Sunday Worship Servants

Thank you for your willingness to be a part of Sunday worship.

Worship Servant Descriptions

Greeter - Arrive at church by 9:15 a.m. Stand in narthex and greet folks as they arrive. Hand out bulletins; answer questions. 

Usher - Arrive at church by 9:25 a.m. Stand in doorway of sanctuary and greet folks as they arrive. Hand out bulletins to late arrivals and if needed, help them find seats. Sit by sanctuary door during worship and monitor the hallway. Count number of people at worship and record it on the Attendance Record (hanging on hymnal closet). 

Lay Assistant - Read Psalm & Prayers; assist with communion. Other duties as assigned. 

Cantor - Sometimes we use a liturgy that includes singing. The cantor sings these short pieces of the liturgy. 

Readers - Read one of the lessons during worship. 

Nursery Attendant - Go with the young ones into the nursery after the children's meditaiton. Keep an eye on them until after Prayers of Intercession (then return to sanctuary)

Special Music - Play an instrument or sing - anything you want to share with the congregation. Often special music is presented during offering. 

How we schedule worship servants:

We have a handy data base that helps us keep track of everyone who is willing to be a worship servant. Using this data base, we can schedule volunteers for each Sunday and send a scheduling email to each volunteer. The email lets a volunteer know which position(s) they've been scheduled to fill and of course, which Sunday they've been scheduled. Through the email, volunteers also have a choice to accept or decline participating on that particular Sunday. 

It makes sense once you receive your first scheduling email.